Diabetes is an incurable disease, yet the vast majority of people afflicted with it are able to control it with a regimen of daily activity. There are two types of diabetes – type I and type II. I.D.C. has some great resources for those who may be at risk for diabetes.
Type I diabetes occurs when the body is unable to produce insulin. People with diabetes usually have a low capacity to utilize insulin, which can result in high blood glucose levels. Typically, insulin injections are required to help people regulate their glucose levels and prevent hyperglycemia (high blood glucose). Those diagnosed with type I diabetes usually develop adult-onset diabetes, a condition that occurs later in life and usually results in memory loss, heart disease, and kidney failure. Children with type I diabetes usually begin to experience the disease between the ages of four and seven years. Most individuals with diabetes develop type I diabetes, however, those who suffer from the disease as adults do not usually develop the disease until they are older.
Type II diabetes is different than the prior, as it is typically caused by damage or destruction of the pancreatic islet cells (IACs). Individuals who suffer with type II diabetes generally experience serious and recurring symptoms that dramatically reduce their daily functioning. Symptoms commonly associated with diabetes include weight loss, thirst, hunger, and depression.
Any family history of diabetes is a significant risk factor for patients. In individuals with a family history, there is a significantly increased risk for patients to develop gestational diabetes. A family history of diabetes may also occur randomly, meaning that a patient could develop diabetes following a family member’s diagnosis of the disease. This is referred to as genetic diabetes.
All other forms of diabetes can cause symptoms to develop in patients suffering from the disease. The most common symptoms include increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, and frequent hunger. If these symptoms are left untreated, patients will begin to experience other complications. These complications include high blood pressure, heart problems, kidney problems, and nerve damage. As you can see, diabetes can lead to more than just a taste of sugar.
Many individuals are suffering from type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, most individuals are not properly informed about the disease. People suffering with this condition are usually diagnosed when their blood sugar levels become extremely high. Proper education can help individuals live with and manage type 2 diabetes.